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A Universe Where Manifestation is Simple & Easy

Imagine you had one simple formula to align with the universe and manifest an even better life with more time, exhilarating energy, deep love, true wealth and daily miracles, what possibilities could you unlock>> what HAPPINESS could you finally experience? Join the The Accelerated Manifesting Masterclass to find out. In less than an hour, you will have a way to transform your whole life >>> and I want you to have it for FREE!

Just enter your name and email below👇🏽

Imagine seconds after you open your eyes, which is before your alarm has even gone off... your cheeks start forming in little dimples, because you’re smiling from ear to ear. Have you ever had a day that started like this?

Well imagine a life that always started that magical...

Imagine getting out of bed and feeling so light in your step and so full in your heart that you felt invincible...you knew that whatever you did next would be Midas Touch level shit because everything would turn to GOLD...

Imagine having that level of certainty, faith and excitement...and I don't mean the icky ego kind, I mean the kind when you are living up to all that you could be so you move with pride and a contagious passion about life!

God, if that isn’t happiness, I don’t know what is and that’s all before you even had your 1st cup of coffee!

You move into and through your day with a magnetic essence and people don’t see it, they sense it. 

The right people are drawn to you, and your friendships and advisors feel like they were sent from Heaven itself, just for you!

"How did I get so lucky" is a thought you catch yourself having as you capture moments of awe as you burst with appreciation for all that you have created.

The love you desire is taking the term soul mate to a whole new level of dynamic-mind-blowing-exhilarating-compatibility. That is a lot of hyphens but its just a reflection of how fucking amazing your life is, you did the damn thing!!!

You manifested it ALL...

Business is no different, because you love what you do and how you get to do it...

Your money is making you money, but your heart is what makes your world go round...

And where there is heart, there is soul!

You are being sought after and the universe is your financial advisor so prosperity and abundance come in balanced and indulgent ways. You could easily fly your ride or die people out to the greek islands for the weekend to celebrate a milestone and you wouldn't have to do a budget ...because you are not living in lack, you always have more than enough.

Hot damn, what a feeling that is.

You have the freedom to be adventurous and spontaneous without feeling like its risky. You feel safe living your bucket list life but the best part is this...

For all the glitz and glory that you ever wanted and is now available...

You still like to celebrate in the simple, soul enriching ways that are low key and casual and your home is a place that never fails to fill your heart.

Welcome to living a life of desires and dancing in alignment with your destiny. 

It is waiting for you, but know this...

The sky isn’t the limit ...you are!

Join me to unlock your limits and live in the divinity of your legacy.

Hi there, I'm Gi Gi!

This is my story...

Are you ready to stop compromising and take FULL CONTROL of your future and go all in on YOU?

In my universe you discover the REAL YOU, the one that can have it all, the one that is truly HAPPY and has unfuckwithable LIMITLESSNESS that no person or circumstance can break.

I figured out while writing my best-selling book a life changing secret:

Manifestation, starts with HAPPINESS!

Your happiness & reminding you that you are a MIRACLE capable of anything, is my mission!

That's why my life's work is about liberating you from a program that keeps you limited and having a whole lot of holy shit moments along the way.

So choose you and join me in my universe, where you get a free copy of my ebook and life changing Accelerated Manifesting Masterclass to start tuning into the frequency of your destiny right away.

"I believe this is the best manifesting masterclass, in the world. 🤯 "



"This is exactly the kind of book the world needs right now. It examines happiness and manifestation through a truthful and scientifically stimulating lens."

— Sienna Miller, Actress


"This is not a simplistic 'how-to' book. Gi Gi has bravely ripped the bandaid off her personal journey and processed it into a highly intellectual, transformative understanding of manifestation, happiness and well-being." — Mike Paseornek, previous President of Production at Lionsgate Motion Picture Group


"This is a book the world needs in these times, for both relief and great inspiration." — Ndaba Mandela, Chairman of Mandela Institute for Humanity, author, mentor and the grandson of Nelson Mandela.


"In the discussion on manifestation, motivation and purpose, Gi Gi clearly and succinctly encapsulates exactly what I discovered from the wisdom obtained through years of experience. So I can say, without a doubt, that this book will set you on a path to a refreshed outlook on life and help you discover why you are here so you have focus." — Daniel Curran, Forbes #7 SuperAngel Unicorn Investor, founder, tech executive, and immortality proponent.


"A creative framework that builds on neuroscience findings, cognitive behavior and somatic therapies and enhances it with personality, depth, and raw realistic guidance. With 30 years of experience in social work and psychotherapy, it is refreshing to have a book like this make its way into the world at just the right time." — Christine Harris, LCSW, MIACP, BC-TMH, Author, International Psychotherapist and Consultant


"Gi Gi is a radiant and empowering person, and her passion for mental health will help many all over the world." —Susie Moore, author of Let It Be Easy and advice columnist for Oprah, Cosmopolitan, and Good Morning America


"The pandemic has had a global impact on mental health, but it also brought much-needed attention to the issue. In response, this book is timely, powerful, and will greatly influence well-being globally." —Cori Lathan, CEO & Board Director of Antro Tronix, tech innovator, and Brain Scientist


"Gi Gi is a brilliant mind who bravely tackles a complex topic like manifestation and makes it more accessible. Her unique approach to intelligence will serve humanity well." —The Honourable Richard J Evans, CEO of Octavius GB LTD


"This fast-paced, well-researched piece provides a timely essential service so often neglected —the pursuit of mental health. Ms. O'Brien's raw honesty connects with readers and takes them on a journey to manifesting true happiness." — Laura Hildebrandt, Sustainable Development Specialist for the United Nations Development Programme

gii stands for Global Intelligence Initiative

I founded this company with a mission to evolve traditional IQ to not only include emotional intelligence but to also capitalise on what the design of the human consciousness is truly capable of. 

We use innate intelligence to master frequency across your neuropsychology, cosmology and biology. This is the ultimate pathway to LIVING YOUR DREAM in a way that will transform everything about life as you know it.


NEUROINTELLIGENCE℠ | Neuropsychology & Mind

COSMOINTELLIGENCE℠ | Cosmology & Purpose


More on these game-changing resources ...

⚜️ E-book The Intelligence of Happiness reveals the techniques and methods that create

a MAGNETIC FREQUENCY to immediately start attraction your vision.

⚜️ Masterclass: Accelerated Manifesting is the most simplified strategy to manifest and yes, it works on literally anything because it uses The Divine Trinity. ($111 - FREE )

⚜️ BONUS: Magnet to My Destiny Subliminal Meditation: An all powerful frequency elevation protocol that you can enjoy in just 9 minutes ($111 - FREE)

⚜️ Membership is FREE, nothing to loose, a dream life to gain!

Sign up now 👇

I also just want to say, there really is NOTHING like this on the market because I created it while trying to strategically fill the gaps that other frameworks were missing. It was especially important to me to help identify & remove what stops manifestations so you become UNSTOPPABLE. My simple scientific techniques around hacking human intelligence for high-frequency magnetism can change your life — my stuff is no fluff, zero BS.

I believe you should have fun CREATING your dream life so lets make magic!

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